Today’s environment presents different payment challenges, and Stitch can help pave the way. Allow your customers to pay online and pickup curbside or order from their phones without ever having to hand you a credit card.
- Combine card-present terminals with e-commerce or mobile payments
- Contactless payments
- Omnichannel inventory reconciliation

Stitch leverages best-in-breed smart terminals and point-of-Sale technology powered by Clover and Poynt. Monitor real-time processing activity from any device and deploy industry-specific applications to customize the perfect fit.
- Inventory management
- Dual screen for merchant/customer facing displays
- Transactional reporting and e-mail receipts
Stitch makes it easy to accept credit cards from your business customers while keeping processing costs low. With our easy-to-use Virtual Terminal, accelerate your cash flow and make it easy for your customers to pay online or over the phone.
- Recurring billing plans
- Card-on-file payments
- Automated financial reconciliation with your ERP

Whether your business uses a popular e-commerce platform like Shopify or Magento or you’ve built your own e-commerce site, Stitch has curated the world’s most powerful payment gateways to enable you to accept debit and credit card payments with confidence and security.
- Hosted sensitive data fields
- AJAX tokenization
- Automated customer profile creation

Accept payments directly through your Salesforce CRM over the phone and with our card-present collaboration with Poynt and Chargent. We will train your sales team on card acceptance and make sure your CRM processes align with your other payment channels.
- Card-present acceptance with Poynt
- Recurring billing plans
- Invoice presentment